FECKENHAM'S historic annual Wake will take place on Saturday.

This year's event, which kicks off at 2pm, will be officially opened by former England cricketer Gladstone Small.

The event first started in 1237, when King John decreed a market and fair be held in the manor of Feckenham to mark the dedication of the church.

This was to be on the day and evening following the nativity of John the Baptist, celebrated on June 24.

The Feckenham Wake is still held on the first Saturday after the Feast of John the Baptist, and has been held, in some form, for hundreds of years.

An event spokesman said: "This year the village is delighted to announce that Gladstone Small, former England cricketer, will officially open the day for you.

"And what a day has been lined up!

"Following the success of the event last year, the children's pet show returns to the Wake, with all the potential for another memorable session."

All pets and children are welcome. There are no special categories and three prizes are up for grabs.

The spokesman added: "We invite everyone to bring along their dog, cat, hamster, fish or stick insect for inspection by the 'expert' judge. Assemble at 2.15pm on the village field."

The day will also feature a medieval re-enactment group, hook-a-duck, Arrow Valley Brass Band, a hog roast and cream teas in the church and a variety of stalls.