A FOOTBALL mad youngster from Webheath is hoping to net himself the prize of a lifetime.

Reece Daly, nine, a pupil at Oak Hill First School, took part in a weekend training school held in association with Manchester United Football Club.

Youngsters who took part were marked on their goal-scoring abilities, ball control and other vital skills.

The highest point score gained throughout the history of the training school, which holds sessions nationally, is 480.

But Reece, a member of recently promoted Studley Juniors, stunned the trainers by scoring 530 points.

As a result, he is invited to a competition in November, which may be held at Old Trafford, Manchester United's home ground, where he will pit his skills against talented youngsters from all over the country.

As his prize, the winner can choose to receive a week's training at a football school in any country in the world.

Reece's mum Lisa said: "We are so proud of him. To beat 130 youngsters is a great achievement but to be told by the coaches he got the highest score ever was amazing.

"If he does win this final competition, he can choose any team, anywhere in the world to get some expert training.

"As I get to go with him I just hope he doesn't pick a team like Arsenal, I think Juventus would be a far better choice!

"We're so grateful to Studley Juniors and their manager, they've been tremendously supportive."