THE main (some would argue only) reason local councils like Redditch have to exist is to provide democratically accountable community leadership.

All its other activities are subordinate to that.

Redditch Council appears to agree with that sentiment because, on its website, it promises to "make a difference" by "leading a successful and vibrant borough".

Last week, you reported two town centre businesspeople had called for a clean-up campaign (including tackling graffiti, litter and vandalism) to encourage visitors to come to Redditch and spend their money.

As well as also making life pleasanter for all residents, the council taking an initiative on this would help it to meet three of its stated top priorities -- "local environment, local jobs and community safety".

In other words, a good opportunity to turn fine words into practical achievement.

However, a council spokesperson is quoted as saying there was little they could do as only a small proportion of the land was their responsibility.

Making a difference? Community leadership?

Stephen Ward

Address supplied