ALL Redditch taxi drivers will now have to take mandatory drug tests if they want to secure their licences and jobs.

Last Wednesday, Redd-itch Council's executive committee also agreed to make compulsory medical examinations for taxi drivers more stringent.

Previously, drivers could go to any medical practitioner to be checked but now they must go to one of two town GPs chosen by the council. The two earmarked for the job are from Studley and Smallwood health centres.

Any applicant or driver who fails the medical examination due to traces of banned or illegal substances will be refused a licence and will then not be able to reapply for a licence for at least six months.

If the driver fails the examination due to a medical condition he will be refused a licence until he can demonstrate to the medical practitioner that he has recovered or is no longer suffering from the condition. After the initial examination, drivers must get a full examination every five years.

Councillor Bill Hartnett, who sits on the executive committee, said: "This will go a long way to reassuring the travelling public they will be safe when using Redditch taxis.

"I was so pleased to hear Redditch Taxi Association was also in favour of this new policy."