A POPULAR face in the town has been recognised in the Queen's Birthday Honours.

Recently retired Pc Dave Wilkins (pictured) was given an OBE this week for his services to the police.

The 55-year-old was nominated by Councillor Juliet Brunner, who dubbed him "Redditch's unsung hero."

She said borough and county councillors had supported his nomination, along with Redditch MP Jacqui Smith, local headteachers, Redditch Council officers, force colleagues and children from the area.

Mr Wilkins served the force for 16 years, joining in 1990 following a 16-year teaching career. After five years on the beat, he moved into crime scene investigation followed by stints in fraud and child protection departments. He was appointed Beat Manager in Redditch in October 2002, serving the town's North East Sector until he retired in February.

As well as his police work, Mr Wilkins helped set up a Lads and Dads group, Redditch's 10k Fun Run and the Local Heroes Awards.

Mrs Brunner added: "I can honestly say there are few people in the world who make a significant difference but David Wilkins' name must be one of them.

"His selflessness, modesty, commitment to making this world a better place for us all and his love of mankind surely should be an example of all that we would hope to personify."

Mr Wilkins told the Advertiser he was very proud and humbled by the honour, especially as both his mother and grandfather had received MBEs before him.

"Quite a lot of people supported this nomination and I just wanted to say I am extremely grateful, the fact it has come from the community I work in is really special -- it just means an awful lot," he said.

He said he planned to continue his work in the community and was working on setting up the Pink Shoe Shuffle, a charity walk for women and girls in the town, set for October.