A CHURCH Hill resident has called for the demolition of a play park which has caused "misery and anxiety" for residents because of vandals, arsonists and thieves.

Jackie Gregory said a recent arson attack on the Edgworth Close play area was "the last straw" and Redditch Council needed to tear it down.

When the park was installed several years ago, Mrs Gregory, who lives next to the park, said residents had made it clear they did not want it and felt there was little consultation.

She said: "So many Redditch parks were shut down because of dreadful antisocial behaviour so we knew we didn't want a new one here.

"We've gone through hell since it was installed.

"Gangs of youths gather there, they scream, swear and drink until late."

She said vandals had ripped up the soft surfacing which protects youngsters if they fall off equipment, had sprayed grafitti and smashed bottles everywhere and had stolen a see-saw and recently set fire to it.

She added: "As well as the misery and anxiety is causes for residents, families can't actually bring their youngsters to it, it's just too dangerous. This is the last straw."

A council spokesman said: "The play area technical officer has been instructed to make a complete report on this issue to include his recommendation and a full history of incidents.

"I haven't received any formal complaint. It was installed during 2002 and, like others, has suffered some vandalism, but doesn't show up as a major concern.

"A decision will be taken on the way forward once I've spoken to ward members about the report's findings.

"Should the playground require removal, it will be removed.

"We take the quality of life for residents who live near play areas very seriously."