WHAT on earth is happening to some members of the older generation at the moment?

They seem to be suffering from excessive bouts of rage and a severe lack of courtesy and manners.

For example, last week I was going around Crabbs Cross island when an elderly gentleman pulled out in front of my car and a bus.

The bus and I stopped and I bibbed my horn to alert the elderly gentleman of my presence, as he seemed totally oblivious to both vehicles.

What did he do? Hung his arm out of the window, stuck up his middle finger and shouted "b*ll*cks".

Then today, I parked outside Crabbs Cross Lane shops. There were other vehicles but none were occupied.

As I was locking my car, I noticed an elderly couple getting into their car which was parked behind mine.

I quickly made my way to move it so they would not have to reverse around.

The elderly gentleman sat blowing his horn and shouting profanities at me, when he was literally waiting about five seconds for me to double back to my car, unlock it and move it out of the way.

I was simply stunned.

It is no wonder there are problems with youth culture when some members of the older generation set such a bad example.

They should be ashamed of themselves.

Name and address supplied