QUESTION: I am 68 years old and am very worried about this bird flu. I have asked my doctor for an injection against it but he will not give me one. Am I at risk?

Answer: So far bird flu only infects birds as it is a special strain. It only affects humans if they come into direct contact with infected birds. There have not been as yet any cases of human to human transmission but if the virus did mutate into a form that would pass between humans a flu pandemic could develop.

It this happened there would be an announcement on radio, TV and in the papers. Flu viruses are constantly changing and vaccines for bird flu are being formulated. For more information about flu you can call NHS Direct on 0845 4047.

QUESTION: I have been unable to work for some time because of serious health problems. I tried to claim incapacity benefit and had a medical but my claim was turned down. My doctor says that I cannot work. What can I do I am so worried?

Answer: You should appeal against the decision by the Department of Work and Pensions that you cannot get Incapacity Benefit and you must do this within one month. When you appeal the decision will be looked at again and could be changed straight away. If not your appeal will go to a tribunal, which is a panel of up of three people who are separate from the DWP. The appeal process can be difficult and the tribunal daunting, and you will need help from an experienced person at the Citizens Advice Bureau.

QUESTION: I get a lot of junk mail and usually throw it away but I have received a letter from a psychic saying that something bad will happen unless I order a psychic reading that will stop this happening. The reading is expensive but if I don't order one I am worried that I will have bad luck. What should I do?

Answer: Don't send any money as this is a scam. Scams are very common and a lot of people fall for them. The letters are not from genuine psychics but from conmen.

You could report the matter to Scambusters at the Office of Fair Trading at

You can stop unsolicited mail by registering with the Mail Preference Service at FREEPOST 29, LON 20 771, LONDON W1E 02T.

Advice supplied by Wyre Forest Citizens' Advice Bureau, 21-23 New Road, Kidderminster. Telephone 01562 60194.