CUSTOMS officers swooped on a factory in Droitwich Spa to seize cigarettes which were part of a smuggling scam.

Acting on intelligence, customs found 7,500 of the cigarettes at the man's place of work, a factory in the town, and a further 63,000 cigarettes at the man's home in Worcester. A vehicle was also seized during the operation.

It is thought that the smuggled cigarettes were most likely destined for the streets of Worcester where they would have been sold cheaply to unsuspecting members of the public. The tax evasion on the haul is nearly £11,000.

Keith Morgan, inland detection manager for HMRC, said: "The operation was part of continuing efforts by HM Revenue and Customs to stamp out the illegal trade -- which costs the tax payer nearly £3 billion a year in lost revenue. This money could be funding schools, hospitals and other important public services."

Further inquiries are on-going and the tobacco products that were seized will be burnt in an incinerator to produce power.

Customs officials say that the proceeds from cigarette smuggling are often used to fund serious and organised crime, such as drug smuggling.

Individuals with information relating to illegal imported goods, or tax evasion and fraud, are encouraged to contact the HMRC confidential hotline on 0800 595000 or email