BROMSGROVE will turn back the pages of history to the days of Merrie England on Saturday when the town stages its annual Midsummer Fair Day pageant and Elizabethan street market.

Stalls, most of them striving to raise cash for various charities, will line the High Street. They will be staffed by people attired in the dress of the period.

The Somers Cup will be presented to the winners of the best dressed stall.

Since it began 22 years ago, the market has become an important and popular feature of the Fair Day activities carried out by the Court Leet.

Members of the court, together with representatives from neighbouring Courts Leet resplendent in their robes and regalia and led by Bailiff Dr Barrie Fischer, will carry out the ancient ceremonies of proclaiming the 1199 King John charter. The historic charter grants Bromsgrove a fair, as well as the assize of bread, leather and ale in the centre of High Street.

Fair Day, which incidentally this year falls on Midsummer day - the feast of St John - gets underway at 10.30am when the procession, led by town crier Kevin Ward and Rubery Youth Marching Band, set off from Housman Hall - formerly Perry Hall Hotel - in Kidderminster Road.

It will proceed along Hanover Street, Worcester Road and High Street as far as The Strand, then return to the Housman statue. At 11am the fair charter will be proclaimed followed by the assize. Members of the court and guests will later patronise the street market before returning to Housman Hall for lunch. On Sunday the annual patronal service will be held at St John's Parish Church, starting at 10.30am.