A 28-YEAR-OLD Bromsgrove man has been given a three year criminal anti-social behaviour order.

Glen David Carver, from Aston Fields, was given the order at a hearing at Redditch magistrates court following incidents of racially aggravated abuse in Bromsgrove town centre in 2005.

The order prevents Carver from entering Bromsgrove town centre area for three years. It also prohibits him from entering any public house in England and Wales for six months.

Carver is not to use any verbal, physical or racial abuse to any person and must not engage in any conduct in a public place that is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to others, nor must he encourage others to do so, again throughout England and Wales.

PC Spike Jenkins, local policing officer for Bromsgrove town centre, said: "We welcome the placement of this anti-social behaviour order on Carver.

"Its conditions are far-reaching and have been carefully chosen to protect Bromsgrove people, in particular, from the effects of his conduct.

"The on-going support of local licensees will be crucial in implementing this order, and more so as Carver has also been given a life time ban from Bromsgrove pubs that are part of the BAND (Bromsgrove Against Night-time Disorder) scheme."

He added: "We want to make it clear that racially aggravated incidents of any nature will not be tolerated in Bromsgrove and neither will drunken and violent behaviour.

"We hope that the conditions and the time-span of this order will encourage the offender to change his pattern of behaviour and that residents and visitors to Bromsgrove town centre shops and pubs are reassured in the knowledge that this order is in place."