PAUL Simon has had six years away from the recording studio since the global success of his Graceland album.

Now he is back and, with Brian Eno twiddling the knobs, it seems his return has been long overdue.

Simon has never been one to stand still. From his early folksy ballads with Art Garfunkel to the African drums and vocals that were given their first airing to many British listeners on Graceland, Simon has certainly done his bit for the music industry.

Surprise may sometimes have a similar sound to Graceland but the lyrics are some of the best to come from this US icon.

The album is one of a growing number to lambast the current US President but few manage to get the message over with such poetic prowess.

How Can You Live In The Northeast and Outrageous set the tone but the pick of the tracks just has to be Wartime Prayers, complete with backing choir and piano playing by the legendary Herbie Hancock.

Surprise has a message and Simon delivers it perfectly.