STEVEN Spielberg recreates another harrowing episode in recent Jewish history with this heart-rending account of the aftermath of the 1972 Summer Olympics, at which an extremist Palestinian group called Black September kidnapped nine Israeli athletes from the Olympic village, killing two others.

The terrorists and their hostages subsequently perished in a gun battle with police at a military airport, inciting Israel to seek revenge.

Intelligence officer Avner (Eric Bana) is recruited by Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir (Lynn Cohen) to oversee Operation Wrath Of God. The secret mission requires Avner to disappear from sight and relinquish his identity in order to travel across Europe assassinating the members of Black September responsible for the terrorist outrage.

Mossad officer Ephraim (Geoffrey Rush) is Avner's point of contact throughout the mission, putting his man in touch with a crack team of patriotic agents including explosives expert Robert (Mathieu Kassovitz), forger Hans (Hanns Zischler), "cleaner" Carl (Ciaran Hinds) and getaway driver Steve (Daniel Craig).

The five men venture from Athens, Geneva and London to Paris and Rome exacting their country's revenge.

Munich holds our interest despite a couple of lulls. Shot loose and fast, often on handheld cameras, the film's nervous energy works to its advantage, stoking the tension as Avner and co work their way through the list of targets.

DVD extras include Munich: The Mission, The Team featurette and an introduction by Steven Spielberg.

Damon Smith