A CATSHILL woman is calling for a fence to be replaced before it falls onto her children.

Sarah Pitt, of Cobnall Road, said she and her family moved into the Bromsgrove District Housing Association home in January. But she says the garden fence is in a poor condition and need to be replaced.

"I have three children aged between seven months and three-years-old, but I fear for their safety in the garden with the fence. It is very rickety and could fall on them.

"I have spoken to the housing officer and person in charge, but they say it is not their responsibility. The lady on the other side is bedridden so she cannot fix it and we haven't got the money to do it."

Marie Green, tenancy and customer services manager at BDHT, said: "When tenants sign a tenancy agreement, they sign to state they are happy to take responsibility for one side of the fencing separating their property from a neighbours.

"BDHT maintains fencing which borders onto public land, but not panels which separate neighbours' gardens. However, in special circumstances, such as if an elderly or vulnerable tenant, or someone on low income, wishes for assistance we will refer them to specialist service providers who may be able to help."