BROMSGROVE police are warning residents to make sure their homes, gardens and cars are secure this summer.

PC Stan Baker, the crime risk manager for Bromsgrove, says that at this time of year more people are in their gardens or driving out in their cars and police want them to consider security.

"Lighter nights and improving weather tempt people to leave their windows ajar as they leave the house or go to bed at night," said PC Baker. "While this may keep rooms cool, an open window is like an invitation to a burglar, particularly on the ground floor of the house or round the back out of sight from neighbours.

"Our advice is to close windows in any unoccupied room and to use window locks if you have them. Breaking a window is not an attractive option to a thief as the noise attracts attention."

Patio doors, conservatories, garage doors and sheds are all used more frequently during the summer, so care must be taken to secure these properly. Many of the newer uPVC doors don't lock automatically when they are closed and these are targeted by thieves who know that people outside in their back gardens may not be aware of someone walking in through the front door to steal property.

Police recommend that ladders used for painting the exterior of a house or doing other jobs during the fine weather are stored safely and securely after use as the opportune thief will use these to access upstairs windows. Home insurance could also be invalid if there is some element of neglect shown.

People going on holiday or away for the weekend are recommended to hide the fact that their home is unoccupied. They should cancel milk, ask a neighbour to move post and consider the use of timed light switches.

Cars should also be locked and windows closed every time they are left unattended.