Members at the June meeting were met by the scent of sweetpeas brought in by the secretary. Correspondence was read and details of the July visit to Royal Worcester Porcelain were finalised. Members with cars will take those without transport and tables have been booked in the restaurant for lunch after the factory visit.

We were fascinated and amazed by Chris Johnson, who spoke on dowsing for health. After demonstrating the more normal method of dowsing for water with two rods, he explained how he carries out healing dowsing using a crystal pendant. He was given this as a gift many years ago and it is used with a series of printed lists. By this means the crystal indicates the area of the body needing attention and the root cause of any illness. Treatment can then be carried out, either by reiki or by spiritual healing. This was a most unusual and thought provoking talk, which provided much discussion over tea and biscuits. The July meeting will be a visit to Royal Worcester Porcelain.