AT our June meeting we were treated to a wonderful talk and slideshow by Dr John Page, whose subject was Edwardian gardens.

Many of the gardens shown were actually watercolours painted by artists of the time for the gardens' owners and often the lady and gentleman concerned would be included in the picture. This was a popular fashion of the Edwardian period and is a great record of typical planting at that time. The gardens were full of colour and usually included simple fountains, sun-dials, benches and very ornate gates.

This fascinating talk was followed by a question and answer session, the raffle and then refreshments.

Our next meeting will be held on July 13 when the speaker will be Kenneth Hinks, whose subject will be pelargoniums. It will be held at the Friends Meeting House, Sandhills Road, Barnt Green, at 8pm. New members and visitors are always welcome.