Plymouth 90

Redditch Ravens 0

THIS was a case of Redditch's Magnificent Seven battling throughout against a powerful Plymouth side.

The Ravens had never been 'nilled' prior to this game but with just seven players able to make the trip, this game was always going to be an uphill task.

Plymouth kindly loaned Redditch five players for the match but a number of injuries during the game just added to the Ravens' troubles.

The pattern of the game, which was played in searing heat, was set from the second minute as Plymouth, with a full complement of 13 players plus subs were able to lay siege to the Ravens line and score at will. The Ravens did get some possession in the first half but couldn't manage to penetrate the Plymouth try line.

The game was made even more difficult as the conditions began to take their toll and halfway through the first half the Ravens lost Ziemak Zjatkowski with rib injuries.

Ten minutes later, fellow second row Mark Leason left the field with a shoulder injury.

The second half was more of the same, but now it was 13 against 10 making it a little like Rourke's Drift.

Plymouth were kept at bay for long periods of the game but, with ten minutes left, the Ravens had the misfortune to lose yet another player when one of the loanees was injured landing heavily on the baked ground.

Coach David Parsons paid tribute to his 'magnificent seven'.

He said: "I have to say a big thanks to all the players that made the effort and went to Plymouth.

"Everyone who wore the Ravens colours gave 150 per cent effort when they could so easily have crumbled and rolled over."