PENSIONERS, why moan if you take no action?

With Bromsgrove District withdrawing the free parking permits for pensioners and their meanness in stopping the swimming concessionary charges for the elderly last year, plus the new charges for disabled persons under the age of 60 for parking set now at £300....'what next'?

It was disappointing to note how few pensioners turned up for the meeting on Tuesday, June 13, held at the Methodist Church, Bromsgrove, which would have been a great opportunity to let this council know the strength of our feelings.

Although the few of us who did attend the meeting, spoke about our grievances, it is the strength of numbers which was required here, which can only be the way to get this council to sit up and take notice.

The council say that they want to encourage more shoppers to Bromgsrove, 'what a joke...with Rubery having free parking via Messrs Morrisons, Somerfields and the Co-op...this together with Messrs Morrisons' free parking at Buntsford Park ...this is taking trade away from the centre of Bromsgrove. Clearly, if it was not for Asda, this town centre would be dead. Perhaps if the councillors were to walk down the High Street after 5pm and see how many shops remain open, they might understand why this High Street has little to offer and yet the council charge for parking up to 10pm at night. Why?

What shops remain open till that time of night? How out of touch can this council be. Wake-up pensioners! We need to show our strength by action.. do not just moan and do nothing, for clearly that is just what this council want.

Ken Gorton

Barnt Green