NEVER mind Sri Lanka, Pakistan or next winter's Ashes, the cricket fixture of the year is at West Malvern Cricket Club's Mathon Court ground on Sunday, when a club side takes on a Brewers Arms XI captained by landlord Trevor Marston.

There is no admission charge but a collection and raffle for the Brewers' charity bottle, which supports village organisations and activities. Entertainment seems assured and the match will start at 2pm (weather permitting).

The match could provide a good chance to chill-out following tomorrow's (Saturday) Party and Proms on the Pitch at the playing fields, which will offer a programme of musical performances. There will also be other activities and attractions and catering stalls from 3.30pm onwards, ending with a fireworks display after 10pm. Admission is £3 adults, £2 children and £8 family tickets. Organiser Richard Hammond, (01684) 893951, is still looking for volunteers to do one-hour traffic stewarding stints from 3pm onwards.

Monday's afternoon play on Radio 4 was by our resident professional playwright, Alex Jones, of Blackheath Way.

River's Up tells the story of a family who, when the Severn waters rise in Upton, head up-river by boat to Worcester, only to discover that it too has been inundated.

They decide to seek the heights of the Malverns but even they have disappeared below the water - it's the end of the world!

Curiously, the play had been scheduled for broadcasting twice before but was not transmitted, once because of the Asian tsunami and once because of the Carlisle floods.

Another of Al's plays, The Worcester Pilgrim, will be produced in Worcester Cathedral in October - booking details from Huntingdon Hall on 01905 611427