100 Years Ago June 11, 1904

The peapickers are coming, and have in fact, come. The advent has as usual called for increased vigilance and activity on the part of the police and more frequent attendance at the Police Court of the various justices. Great care will of course be exercised by the various licensed victuallers, but with all the precautions there are certain to be a number of drunken and disorderly tramps in the town and district, especially on Saturday nights, who will not be satisfied until they have paid a visit to the police station.

75 Years Ago

June 8, 1929

The annual outing of the Evesham Police took place on Thursday, when a party numbering between 60 and 70 spent an enjoyable day in London. They travelled by G.W.R. to Paddington, and leaving there by motor coach drove through North-West London to Jack Straw's Castle, Hampstead Heath. Here they alighted to enjoy the wonderful view of London and after slight refreshment - it had just gone 10.30am - proceeded to the Zoo, where an interesting hour and a half was spent.

50 Years Ago

June 12, 1954

A Canadian farmer who wants a wife has asked the Mayor of Evesham (Councillor O. F. Grove) to find him one.Writing from British Columbia, he says: "As a former resident of South Worcestershire I am asking for your assistance. "To get down to facts, I need a wife."In this part of Canada there are a lot more men than women. I am a farmer with some means and would welcome letters from ladies between 21 and 35, who must like life in the country. "So, at your next council meeting, mention this letter, with my name omitted, to the local Press. And if any lady or ladies are interested, send them my name and address."Yours in deepest sincerity ...". The letter was read and the list was opened by the Town Clerk on Wednesday evening, at a meeting of the Town Council sitting as General Purposes Committee.

25 Years Ago

June 7, 1979

Members of an Evesham family are at their wits end because of a bad-tempered bird.

When the thieving magpie began its reign of terror a fortnight ago, the Thompson family, of Cherry Close, Evesham, thought it was quite a joke. "But we have changed our minds now. We are absolutely fed up with him. He is making our lives a misery," Mrs Marilyn Thompson said. The magpie thinks nothing of "dive-bombing" either Mrs Thompson, her husband, Eddie, or their two children, Paul, aged two, or Damian, three, and giving them a hearty peck if they show their faces outside the house.