100 Years Ago

January 6, 1906

On Thursday evening in last week the children of the Broad-street, Pershore, Baptist Sunday Schools, nearly 200 in number, were given their annual Christmas treat. A bountiful tea was provided in the large schoolroom, and a strong staff of teachers and friends handed round the good things till the juveniles were obliged, somewhat reluctantly, to call a truce. A large public meeting was held afterwards in the chapel, when between 60 and 70 books were presented to scholars who had the highest number of marks for attendance and to the successful competitors in singing and reciting.

75 Years Ago

January 3, 1931

The prospects for residents on Waterside, Evesham, was a gloomy one on Wednesday night, when the Avon was rising at an alarming rate and the water was within a few feet of the Workman Garden gates. On Thursday morning the river rose eight feet above normal summer level, but a slight and welcome drop was recorded later in the day, when the gauge at Messrs H. Burlingham and Co.'s premises showed the water to be seven feet eleven inches above summer level. Big areas of meadowland alongside the river were flooded, in some instances to a considerable depth, the Workman Gardens being completely inundated.

50 years Ago

January 7, 1956

A grocer and a butcher, tenants of shops built by the Council on the Fairfield Estate, Evesham, have had their "difference" settled by the Council. The grocer has been granted the exclusive right to sell bacon and eggs, and the butcher the exclusive right to sell sausage and cooked meats. Reporting to the Housing Committee about the dispute concerning the sale of "certain commodities," the town clerk said every effort had been made to effect a satisfactory agreement, but the tenants had asked the Council to settle the matter.

25 Years Ago

January 1, 1981

Parents in the Vale of Evesham have been urged to fight the proposed cuts in the Hereford and Worcester county education bill. It follows a meeting between governors and headmasters from Vale of Evesham and Pershore schools and Mr Maurice Gifford, chief education officer, Mr John Arnett, chairman of the education committee, and Mr John Allen, chairman of the schools sub-committee. The meeting was requested by the Evesham delegation because they were worried about the effects the proposed cuts would have on pupils.