100 Years Ago

February10, 1906

Kindly allow me to draw attention to the responsi-bilities incurred by cottagers and others in permitting their poultry to stray on the highways. On Sunday last I was thrown from my motorcycle by a large buff cock fowl at Hinton-on-the-Green, and sustained severe injuries to myself in addition to damaging my clothes and machine. At the time of writing I am decorated with two black eyes, swollen nose, and a lacerated forehead, and am bruised from head to foot. My thanks are due to the ambulance student who kindly did the best he could for me at the time; but the owner of the fowl did not even think it worth while to ask if I was hurt. (Letter)

75 Years Ago

February 7, 1931

Acknowledgement of the invaluable service rendered by Mr. C. A. Binyon, as president of the Vale of Evesham Asparagus Growers' Association, was made at a special meeting of the Executive at Badsey last Friday, when he was the recipient of a presentation. Since the formation of the Asparagus Association in 1925, Mr. Binyon has been a practical president, and a progressive worker. This year, having been appointed to conduct the management of Messrs Littleton and Badsey Growers Limited, he found it impossible to continue as president and retired. At the annual meeting Mr. Binyon was made an honorary life member and a vice-president.

50 Years Ago

February 11, 1956

A schedule of revised council house rents was submitted to a special meeting of Evesham Town Council on Wednesday by the finance committee, which had considered a detailed report by the Borough Treasurer, Mr. H. H. Kennedy Mr. Kennedy had suggested figures for rents based on rate contributions of £4,500 and £6,000 a year respectively. The completion of all the houses on the Fairfield No. 7 site had been taken into account, as well as reduction in subsidies for the remaining houses. The finance committee had resolved that the rate contribution towards council houses be fixed at £4.500 a year as from April 1. Examples of rent increases are 7s 6d to 9s for Fairfield Place maisonettes to 17s 6d to 20s 6d for Battleton Road and Fairfield Road four-bedroom houses.

25 Years Ago

February 5, 1981

Plans for a new lease of life for Evesham's Public Hall could include an indoor market for dry goods or antique fair. It has also been suggested that the hall, regarded by many in Evesham as a white elephant following the opening of Evesham Arts Centre, could be used as an amusement arcade or become a recreational and leisure centre. The hall, which no-one seems to want to use, was recently the setting for a trial meeting of Wychavon District Council's public works committee. But after only one meeting, members decided to return to their usual venue at Pershore. Very few organisations hire the hall, which is in competition for bookings with the Town Hall just across the Market Square.