A GIANT Bramley Seedling cooking apple had been grown by Mr Elks from Aston Fields in Bromsgrove. It measured 15 inches in circumference and weighed 1lb 3oz. He had picked a total of 36 apples from the tree with a combined weigh of 36lbs.

FRED Wall, son of Harvey Wall, late of Rashwood near Droitwich, suffered a serious accident while cycling near the Spa. He swerved to avoid a fowl and fell from his machine hitting his head and knocking himself unconscious. He was conveyed to the home of Miss Fowler, who lived nearby, and remained there in her care for five days until recovering sufficiently to be able to return home.

THE new £200,000 county mental asylum at Barnsley Hall in Bromsgrove was nearing completion. An unusual feature of the vast complex, The Messenger noted, was that the buildings followed the natural contours of the land. This resulted in some of the long corridors, with their beautiful Italian marble mosaics, being seven feet higher at one end than the other. The asylum had its own electricity, water and sewage systems.

FASHION conscious women in Bromsgrove who desired to be modish were advised by The Messenger's Ladies Home Column to scour their attics to find those old combs their grandmothers had delighted to wear. With hats now being worn well over the eyes, they were ideal for keeping them at the proper angle.