Witley Court is the next stop for a touring performance of the children's literary classic, The Railway Children.

The tale of Roberta, Peter and Phillis is being brought to life in the grounds of the historic property by Heartbreak Productions next Thursday and Friday, July 20 and 21.

The play is a faithful adaptation of the book, which is in its centenary year, having been first published in 1906.

Members of the six-strong cast circulate before the performance to create the illusion of a bustling train station.

Andrea Fox, English Heritage's regional marketing manager, said: "This is a wonderful show for the whole family and, as it is performed within the grounds of Witley Court, it promises to be a truly memorable evening for everyone who attends.

"Indeed, the show is so cleverly staged, that members of the audience will actually feel as though they are part of the story."

Performances start at 7pm each night, finishing at around 9pm.

Pre-booking is recommended as places are limited. Telephone 01299 896636 for further details.