TORY MP Peter Luff has spoken of his surprise after excerpts of a speech he made to party activists was turned into a story knocking the Conservatives by a pro -Labour Party national newspaper.

The Mid-Worcestershire MP's comments at the election of Harriet Baldwin to fight for retiring Tory Sir Michael Spicer's West Worcestershire seat was used in Wednesday's Daily Mirror, who interpreted his speech as him admitting the party is not fit to run the country.

The story claimed Mr Luff said the selection of women and ethnic minority candidates is 'all image.'

Mr Luff said of the story: "This is a ridiculous story and was taken totally out of context.

"My confidence in national tabloid journalism has hit a new low."

A the meeting, which saw Harriet Baldwin elected to stand for Sir Michael Spicer's seat, he told 200 party members that the Conservatives have obstacles to overcome - the most important being the way the public perceives them.

He said: 'Women in particular - who used to support us in large numbers - have turned away from us. We are still not trusted to be able to govern modern Britain.' We have to look and sound different if we are to win - of course we have to do more than that.

"We have the right leader, but we need the right policies and the right presentation - and a fair bit of luck too. But looking and sounding different is a vital part of it," he added.