I AM ready and raring to go after the specialist gave me the all-clear at the weekend.

It has been very frustrating for the last few weeks but it is nice to have something to look forward to again.

And it was great to get a win against Wasps on Friday night. It was a special effort from the lads and I think we were due a big performance like that.

We have felt all year that we haven't quite clicked and haven't quite got it right but the lads managed to pull it off.

I think we more than matched them in terms of our physicality.

It's difficult to say whether it was our best performance of the season. It wasn't Wasps' first team, but you can only play what is put in front of you. I thought it was a great performance.

Drahmy is playing really well and making his mark in a big way. He was a very important signing for us and he has really found his feet. We have known all along that he has got great ability.

He's playing in the England 'A' team, which he thoroughly deserves for his performances. Who knows what might happen if he plays the way he can for them.

As good as it was on Friday, it is frustrating watching our matches from the sidelines. I am no different to any other player in that I want to play every game. It's good to be back in the fold and I'm really looking forward to getting some rugby under my belt.

It's one thing not being able to do your job but it's even worse when you can't do something you love doing.

It was nice to see Matt Powell get a bit of recognition from Wales this week, even though he didn't make the final 22. To be honest, it's probably a year overdue.

He and Gommars have shared the workload this season and that is one of the difficulties of having two great scrum-halves -- it is difficult to find that consistency when you are not playing every week. But Matt works incredibly hard and he deserves his chance more than anybody.

Like everybody else, I was glued to the Six Nations at the weekend and I have to say I think the criticism of England is way over the top.

The guys will be terribly disappointed but it was just an off day. The press likes to sensationalise things because it makes for a good headline. But it was just a bad day and, if you have a bad day against the French in Paris, it looks very, very bad.

They will get it right and, when they do, the headlines will be reversed. That's the fickle nature of rugby.

I have no doubts that, with the talent they have got in that team, they will bounce back.

A couple of months is a very short period of time in this sport and a lot can happen.