IT is no surprise that Sam Wedgbury finds it tough explaining away his last 12 whirlwind months.

The transformation of youngster without a club to Premier League footballer is a story few can tell.

But Wedgbury has, to coin a clich, 'lived the dream' since his chance trial at Worcester City's youth development scheme.

Taking to life at Bramall Lane like a duck to water, the 17-year-old is now part of something special at Sheffield United.

Training at state-of-the-art facilities, working with top professionals and facing other up-and-coming young players at Liverpool, Leeds and Everton.

It does not get any better for Wedgbury following his move to the Blades' prestigious academy from City earlier this year.

"I can't explain the last 12 months -- it's all happened so quickly," said the midfielder.

"One minute, I was playing in the FA Cup and Nationwide North for Worcester, then I'm at a Championship side who are now in the Premier League. It's been brilliant -- just a dream.

"Sheffield United has one of the best academies in England. They match teams like Liverpool week in, week out.

"I live in digs with another lad and a woman takes care of me, cooking and cleaning for me. I call that my home.

"We train during the day, then sometimes it's college or weights --different things during afternoons on various days.

"I play on Saturdays in the FA Academy Premier League and for the reserves in mid-week as well.

"As well as the academy, Sheffield have 'A' and 'B' reserve sides.

"I play for the 'B' side and with the 'A' side I've made little appearances here and there.

"That team tends to be just first team players, so it's difficult to get in there. I take what I get so if I'm on the bench I'm happy with that.

"I've trained with first team lads like Danny Webber, Derek Geary, Rob Kozluk and Garry Flitcroft. When they come back from injury, they join in with us."

Wedgbury scored his first Blades goal at an academy tournament in Verona, Italy.

He was also captain during the tournament, which United lost 2-1 in the final to hosts Chievo.

Next season, Worcester supporters would love to see their former apprentice make his Premiership debut, but the Oldbury teenager is not expecting too much.

He added: "My dream is to get in the first team.

"That's something I want to achieve, but I'm going to take it one step at a time and keep concentrating on what I want to do.

"My first aim is to establish myself in the 'A' reserve team. Once I've done that, I can look a bit further."

Mature beyond his years, Wedgbury has his head screwed on for big challenges ahead.

Naturally, to any future successes, he credits Worcester for providing the early stepping stone.

For all the trappings and comfortable surroundings in South Yorkshire, Wedgbury never forgets the club that gave him his break.

Wedgbury added: "I appreciate everything Worcester has given me. I owe a lot to people like Ray Woods, Andy Preece and Andy Morrison.

"Without them, I would not be able to do what I'm doing at Sheffield. They put their faith in me and gave me a chance."

Wedgbury should grace St George's Lane one more time when Sheffield United travel to City for a pre-season friendly on August 3.