SPECIAL green homes are coming to Worcester as the city council does its bit to combat the effects of global warming.

Super-modern energy-saving homes with solar panels on the roof and wind turbines could be part of the package for home owners in the future.

The city council wants "at least" 10 per cent of new houses in the future to be built to an exacting standard to be more friendly to the environment.

It has come up with the novel idea of asking developers to construct eco homes - carefully designed to conserve energy. Under the scheme, the eco-friendly homes will earn points for how green they are - even getting points for having a bike shed on site to encourage the owners to cycle.

The green homes would be built in a bid to conserve energy and insulated.

Coun Bob Peachey said: "It seems to me that if we just ask a developer to build homes to these eco standards, they will avoid it because it costs money, so we must have a way of making sure they do actually build these type of homes."

There is currently a debate within the council as to whether making 10 per cent of homes green is enough.

Coun Robert Rowden, who chairs the planning committee, said: "I think it's a good idea - if we really are going to go for this, we really ought to go for more than 10 per cent." Former mayor Aubrey Tarbuck said: "We are looking into the future, with things like wind turbines and the like.

"I remember being told that things like bricks were finite, so with these homes we'd have to look at things like the materials used."

The plan is in the early stages. Officers will draw up exacting standards developers will be expected to meet before it is endorsed by the full council in October.