TREASURY Minister John Healey has paid a visit to Westons Cider to check on sustainable development at work in the cider industry.

The MP and financial secretary to the Treasury was at the cider mill in Much Marcle near Ledbury earlier this month where he was able to see the ecological waste water purification system the company has created on five acres of meadow land.

Through a system of earth banks, ditches and ponds with several thousand water plants and trees, the facility is able to manage all of the waste water produced by the site and re-cycle it to irrigate more than 120 acres of orchards.

The invitation to John Healey was made by Helen Thomas, who is current chairman of the National Association of Cider Makers (NACM) and managing director of Westons Cider.

During the visit, the minister also toured a local orchard where it was possible to illustrate the positive environmental impact that orchards make as well as the attractive amenity value they bring to the rural landscape.

It was part of the ongoing dialogue between the cider industry and Government. In the recent past, ministers have visited other cider makers and attended the regular NACM receptions and briefings in Westminster.

Helen Thomas said: "In my business and through the work of the NACM I'm determined we demonstrate how we can make a positive contribution and promote the sustainability agenda.

"It was a pleasure to share some of what's been achieved with John Healey and we're grateful for him taking the time to visit us."