l SHEEP have been allowed to graze the Malvern Hills this summer. The idea seems to be that if they graze the grass back, then this will give the wild flowers more of a chance.

By and large, I think the hills Conservators do a good job with this magnificent ridge of prehistoric rock. It's all one great juggling act to strike the right balance and no doubt the sheep would "baa" their approval.

Sadly, there are always stupid people on hand to spoil everything. On Sunday, I gave up counting the number of families with dogs running loose.

These are the types who have Laura Ashley wallpaper and matching cushions, with wagon wheels propped up against the garden wall. Yet they remain blissfully ignorant how to behave in the real countryside.

l WHEN General Franco ruled Spain he decreed that men should wear a jacket at all times in the street. This law was once enthusiastically enforced in Madrid, the capital city.

I think it's about time we had a similar law in Worcester. At this time of year, this city's main thoroughfares are full of maggot-bodied young men, showing off what should definitely be kept under wraps. They should all be rounded up and charged with committing a public outrage. Maybe our non-existent litter wardens could give them an on-the-spot fine.

lAT this time of year, the Severn is busy with narrowboats of all sizes. Some are holiday craft while others comprise both home and a workplace.

The latter are the best. Canal art may be an acquired taste, but I love to see those gaudy colours, so redolent of dragonflies and kingfishers. And the sight of them always makes me so restless at this time of year. It's that Wind in The Willows experience, one that's never far from my heart.