MAUREEN Matthews welcomed members to our June meeting.

Christine Williams read the minutes and notices and it was reported that the calendars and diaries were ready for ordering.

We have invitations from North Claines, Oak Apple and Swanpool WIs. The report from the annual meeting in Cardiff was available for members to read. It was agreed to enter a skittles team again for 2011.Our evening farm visit has been changed to Warren Farm at Bringsty. The social skittles evening was held at the Anchor Inn and Maureen has arranged a plate to share evening in her garden on July 15. There will be a bring and buy and raffle, all are welcome. We have entered a team for the county quiz, the venue is Hanley Swan Village Hall. Joan and Jean will represent us at the new speakers’ evening. A date of August 18 was booked for the annual dinner at the March Hare.

Jean asked everyone to bring their pennies next month before the summer break. Maureen then introduced our speaker John Turrell, whose subject was Children’s Games.

He soon transported us back to childhood, reminding us of the rhymes we recited as we skipped, played tag or ball games. He gave us a paper to write down the different variations. He was so interesting and soon the memories were returning and we were all joining in. He has been researching the subject for many years and his work will eventually be stored either in Hereford or Worcester Library. He was thanked by Jean.

During refreshments, he judged the competition ‘flower of the month’. Diana’s pale pink peony won. The meeting ended with the raffle. Next month Graham Wren talks of summer on the Farne Islands. All are welcome on July 21 at St Mark’s Church Hall.