HUNDREDS of new students in Worcester have been reminded how to keep themselves and their property safe on and off campus.

Community support officers Katie Freeman, Ian Sweatman and Kate Hand gave out tea-towels bearing a highly visual, very clear message — ‘Lock It — Or Lose It’ to freshers at the University of Worcester.

Other items handed out during a ‘Freshers’ Week’ event in the Students’ Union building included advice on personal safety and how to quickly contact their local policing team.

Helping highlight the security message were nursing students Lucy Griffiths, aged 21, from Malvern and 20-year-old Hannah James, from Hereford.

St John’s local policing officer Julie Merry said: “When students leave home for the first time there are a lot of distractions and it is important they give adequate attention to both their property and personal safety.

“Although many young people are not renowned for their enthusiasm for washing up, we think the ‘Lock It — Or Lose It’ towels will stay on show for a long time to come and act as a permanent reminder to help ensure the students take good care of their belongings.

“While south Worcestershire is a safe place to live and study, students can be vulnerable to crime and they need to be aware.”

Other tips included keeping valuables out of sight, walking away from trouble, being aware of drink-spiking and not to drink and drive.