A MAN who was photographed by the victim of a burglary was yesterday convicted of taking part in a house raid.

Alex Jackson and two 17-year-olds targeted a teacher's home in the grounds of Malvern College.

One of the teenagers got into Thomas Sharp's living room at night but was caught in the act and escaped through a window.

Mr Sharp followed the gang on foot then scoured the area in his car, photographing 23-year-old Jackson with a digital camera, Worcester Crown Court heard.

The trio were arrested by police near the scene on December 14 last year after a helicopter was used in the search. Mr Sharp gave police the photograph of Jackson, whom he believed had stood in the college driveway as the raid took place.

Prosecutor Glyn Samuels said Jackson had `assisted' in the break-in as either a lookout or an accomplice to carry away stolen goods.

Three Christmas presents intended for Mr Sharp's children were stolen and his bike was taken from a garage but abandoned. A jury unanimously convicted Jackson, of Coniston Close, Malvern, of burglary after retiring for only 25 minutes.

He was granted bail while a pre-sentence report was prepared. The teenagers were dealt with by the youth court and received community sentences.

Mr Samuel said they had a record of 33 offences between them and Jackson had previous convictions for shoplifting and driving crimes.

Jackson said in evidence he was "wrecked" that night by alcohol after drinking at a house in Poolbrook, Malvern. He claimed that downing three litres of strong cider and at least five cans of lager had left him with memory loss.

He said he went a walk with his two friends but could not recall where they went and had no knowledge about being outside the raided house.