THE roof of a Droitwich church will have to be replaced at a cost of £20,000 after a spate of metal thefts.

Thieves have targeted St Peter de Witton Church, Church Lane, five times since May and taken lead worth nearly £10,000.

The continuing threat of thefts and damage at the church has led to plans to replace the roof with stainless steel – a cost that will have to be paid through church funds.

Church warden Michael Norris said: “I think they have taken more than five tonnes of lead. Unfortunately, the insurance only covers up to a cost of £5,000, which means the rest of the cash for the re-roofing work is going to have to come from the church’s reserve funds. We wouldn’t want to use these reserve funds, but we have been forced to by the people who have done this. The work will hopefully take place next year.

“We hope the alternative material will stop the building being targeted.”

An application for the work has been made to the church body the Worcester Consistory Court.