ALEADING equine charity has issued an emergency check list for horse owners after a glut of welfare calls because of the recent cold weather.

Welfare officers from the British Horse Society (BHS) have been trying to cope with the huge increase in the number of calls during the early part of December and say there are ways to ensure that animals do not suffer in the big freeze.

These include providing proper shelter for your horse or pony.

This is always essential but never more so with weather conditions like the ones we recently endured.

Natural shelter is fine but it is vital that the it provides relief from the wind and not just snow or rain. Forage is always important because it is the horse’s internal central heating system.

Make sure your horse has a constant supply of forage to munch on. Grass is fine but in this weather it may be frozen or covered by snow so even horses which are turned out may need a supply of hay or haylage. Hardier horses – particularly native types may not need rugs. If your horse does need rugging, make sure you take it off regularly for a quick inspection of the animal’s condition and to check it isn’t rubbing.

Never put a damp rug or rugs onto a damp horse. Feeling the base of your horse’s ear should give you and idea of its body temperature and let you know whether it needs more or fewer rugs.

A constant supply of water is essential, but buckets and troughs will freeze over very quickly as temperatures take a nose dive so they need to be checked and the ice broken as regularly as possible throughout the day.

The BHS has received reports that some vets have seen an increase in the number of colic cases because thirsty horses drink large quantities of freezing cold water.

To prevent this, make sure your horse has access to water at all times so it doesn’t feel the need to drink large amounts all in one go – and add a little warm water to buckets where possible.

There are a number of ailments that become more common in the kind of weather we have been experiencing.

Mud fever is a bacterial infection of the skin. Good management procedures can help reduce its occurrence. It is important that the horse has somewhere to stand every day that is dry and mud free – ideally a stable.

Carefully brush off dry mud, paying particular attention to the pasterns, fetlocks and under the belly.

If you have to wash off wet mud ensure that you dry the area thoroughly afterwards. If you apply a barrier cream ensure the area is first completely clean and dry, otherwise bacteria will get trapped underneath.

If you are at all concerned, contact your veterinary surgeon.

Rain scald is a skin infection caused by prolonged exposure to rain and wet conditions. To prevent such conditions occurring, adequate rugs and shelter should be provided. Rugs should be breathable and taken off and aired daily.

Thrush can be a problem, too.

This a fungal infection found around the frogs and heel bulbs of a horse’s feet. The easiest way to find out if your horse has thrush is to first pick out the feet.

If the hoof is smelly while you are picking it out, or you notice any white flaking or signs of infection, you most likely have some thrush present.

Make sure you pick your horse’s hooves regularly and keep the animal exercised to encourage growth. If thrush persists, you may want to consult your vet.

Lice are a common cause of itching and discomfort to a horse.

One with a lice infestation will rub and bite itself, causing bald and sore patches. Treatment should be sought from a veterinary surgeon as soon as the condition is identified.

All horses on the same yard or sharing the same field should be checked and treated accordingly.

When stabled, even healthy horses have been shown to have inflamed respiratory tracts, which can be a result from coming into close continued contact with dust, fungi, toxins and ammonia.

Stables should be well ventilated. This means that there should be a good circulation of air with no stagnant regions. Fresh air should be able to enter the stable and stale air to leave it.

Ventilation must be maintained because even in cold weather it is better to put an extra rug on your horse than close vents, windows or door.

The BHS welfare department is happy to talk to any owners who are concerned about how best to manage their horses during cold weather and they can be reached on 02476 840571.