THE family of a 19-month-old girl with cerebral palsy is appealing to Worcester News readers to help improve her quality of life.

Ellie Taylor needs vital equipment to help improve her posture, including a buggy, a car seat and a specialised bed - and her family have started a fund-raising campaign to help raise the £6,000 needed.

Ellie's mother Kay, aged 28, of Medway Road, Ronkswood, Worcester, has been handed

a major boost after a family friend stepped in with a promise to do a breathtaking skydive to raise money.

Natalie Brewster, aged 36, who lives on Thames Close, around the corner from the Taylor family, will take to the skies in Banbury on Saturday, September 30.

Mrs Taylor said: "Ellie has cerebral palsy, which affects her legs, and we're trying to raise the money to get her this vital equipment. Until a child reaches the age of three, the Government doesn't pay for any of the equipment we need, and it costs £6,000.

"My husband Gareth works as a firefighter in Worcester and we've raised £700 so far through fund-raising events he organised, but we still need donations.

"Natalie offered to do this skydive, which is fantastic, and we're hoping for sponsors for that as well as donations.

"We're hoping to get the equipment by October. The condition affects Ellie's legs - she has only just learned to sit and roll over because of cerebral palsy.

"The special buggy, car seat and the bed will improve her posture and help her get

on her legs, and the longer

it waits the stiffer it becomes for her."

One in every 500 children born in the UK has cerebral palsy a physical condition which affects movement.

To donate any money for Ellie, or to sponsor the skydive, call Kay Taylor on 07792 096943.