AN extension of Upton marina, including 42 new holiday chalets, is set to go ahead despite neighbours' opposition.

Malvern Hills District councillors are being advised to approve details of the scheme, which was given outline planning permission in 2004, on condition that the owner, Tingdene Marinas, makes some minor adjustments to the proposals.

The council has received 17 objections, mainly from residents of The Beeches at Upton, who fear the development will obscure their views of the surrounding countryside and Malvern Hills; that the work will cause noise, dust and dirt; there will be increased traffic and parking problems in Upton; a wildlife habitat will be lost; flooding will be affected; it will spoil Upton's setting, and services such as water and electricity will be overwhelmed.

Ripple Parish Council also opposes the scheme saying: "Siting and levels have created undesirably high roof levels, and cabins are crowded on to the site.

"The existing parking is not adequate to take the increased number of vehicles. We would query the safety of the access to the highway."

But planning officer David Murray says in a report to the council's southern area development control committee that the details of the planning application reflects the outline permission that was granted in 2004.

"However, in order to ensure that the chalets do not appear to be too prominent on the skyline and, in part, too close to the gardens of the neighbouring property, amended plans of the location of the chalets and the raising of the ground levels are needed. Changes are also needed to the landscaping scheme."

He wants two chalets re-sited so the development provides a 30m (32-yard) protection zone for neighbouring properties.

He says a further five chalets should be re-sited to the northern part of the site where they would be less prominent. The scheme will go before the development control committee on Wednesday, August 16.