STAFF, volunteers, trustees and supporters of 12 county charities are taking a major fund-raising event in their stride. They are donning stout walking shoes to complete a 130-mile relay around all the Age Concern centres in Worcestershire and Herefordshire.

Twenty-three walkers launched the relay, taking place over the next two weeks and finishing on Wednesday, August 23, from the Age Concern county headquarters in Sansome Street, Worcester.

They were seen off by Worcester Mayor Councillor Ian Imray and walked the seven miles to the Droitwich Age Concern in about two hours 20 minutes.

Members of the Droitwich Age Concern walked to Redditch, and the Redditch contingent went to Bromsgrove. The longest leg is from Leominster to Hereford - 15 miles - on Thursday, August 17.

Anyone who wishes to sponsor the Age Concern Roundabout Challenge can do so until September 29 by ringing 01905 726652 or 620774.