THOSE of us fortunate to live in Worcester or its environs have much to be proud about - but of course, that hardly qualifies as news because most of us are fully aware of the variety and richness that the Faithful City exhibits in such quantities.

However, it seems that the word is spreading. A new report by the Audit Commission has praised the parks and leisure facilities we have on offer and nothing could please us more. So the fact that Worcester's renown has travelled further afield quite obviously comes under the heading of "news" and we therefore have great pleasure in reporting this today. The body itself - not the most excitingly titled grouping, we must admit - singles out Perdiswell Skate Park and the King George V playing fields as being particularly worthy of mention. Marvellous.

Worcester undoubtedly has its imperfections, but only the most jaundiced person could fail to give credit where credit is demonstrably due. For when we look around us, at the recreation grounds, verdant parks and flowerbeds, it soon becomes obvious that the inhabitants of this city have a terrific pride in their surroundings. From the lowly windowbox in Tybridge Street flats to the glory that is Cripplegate Park in the springtime, Worcester stands out as a place whose citizens celebrate life in all its forms.

The Worcester News is glad that the cat is now out of the bag. The best-kept secret in the Midlands is now common knowledge and so we are tempted to predict that while today it may be London, tomorrow it will surely be the world.