MEN who can’t decide between flowers and chocolates as a gift this Valentine’s Day should look no further than this tasty treat – an edible bouquet of flowers.

Julie Bennett, of Floral Events in Malvern, uses sprouts, baby cabbages, apples and pears to create beautiful arrangements that can then be turned into a meal for two.

And not only are love-struck couples buying the tasty bunches of flowers but they are already being snapped up for Mother’s Day in April.

Ms Bennett, aged 46, said: “We make them out of whatever people request. Last Father’s Day we did some sock bouquets.

“We have sold quite a few for Valentine’s Day but people are also interested in them for Mother’s Day.

“Valentine’s Day is one of the busiest days of the year for us, but Mother’s Day is the busiest.”

Ms Bennett, who has been a florist all her life, has teamed up with vegetable growers WR Haines and fruit growers Clive’s Fruit Farm to create a greener alternative to the traditional red roses.

The bouquets can be sent anywhere in the UK for those people living beyond the Worcestershire borders.

Victoria Carman of tourism promoters Destination Worcestershire, said: “This is the perfect way for people to experience a taste of Worcestershire, quite literally.

“It’s a great way to shop local and is something very different to champagne and chocolates.”

And it’s not the first time Ms Bennett has created alternative floral arrangements.

“We have done funeral wreaths before using vegetables for gardeners and people who have allotments.

"We have done quite a few for men over the years,” she added. I’ve got lots of ideas. I am very passionate about it.”