IS this the shape of things to come for Malvern?

A design proposal for the town’s latest piece of public art has been unveiled this week – and its backers want to know what you think.

The sculpture is intended as the centrepiece for the public open space at Malvern Vale, the area’s newest housing development, built on the former North Site radar technology base.

The sculpture project is a collaboration between Persimmon Homes, which is developing the site, and Malvern Hills District Council, but the £8,000 cost is being met wholly by Persimmon.

Rose Haynes, of Persimmon said: “Our chosen sculptor, John Merrill, worked alongside students from Dyson Perrins to develop the concept for the installation, and we’re now at the stage where we can share the design with the public.”

Part of the brief was that the design should refer to North Site’s role in the development of radar during the Second World War.

Manda Graham, of the district council, said: “The upright shapes have been inspired by designs the students came up with, and they will bear carved markings that from some angles will be seen as concentric circles, recalling the site’s radar heritage.”

Roger Sutton, chairman of Malvern Civic Society, said members would study the proposal and formulate a response. But he said: “It’s difficult to form an opinion without seeing a model and knowing more about its materials.

“I don’t think it is immediately obvious what it is.”

Anyone who wants to share their views can contact the district council’s community services team on 01684 862151 or e-mail

People have until June 21 to comment. The final design will be agreed at a meeting on June 23 with Mr Merrill and representatives from Persimmon and the council.

Another proposed public artwork is a water cure memorial on the junction of Abbey Road and Priory Road. It would stand on the site where a commemorative fountain commemorating water cure pioneer Dr John Wilson used to stand many years ago.