FAMILIES and young people are being invited to take part in the latest hands-on weekend session at Malvern Youth Centre.

Following on from their unique Roots and Shoots summer courses, the youth centre and Transition Malvern have organised a new series of weekend workshops aimed at regenerating community spirit and re-learning traditional skills.

The courses are intended to encourage different generations to work together to learn new, yet traditional skills such as spinning wool, baking bread and seasonal crafts such as making Christmas wreaths, willow lanterns and toys.

Jon White, youth centre manager, said: “This is a chance for families and young people to get involved in a series of amazing activities over the coming months.

“The workshops will be great fun as well as hopefully promoting a more sustainable and make do and mend attitude that could save money.

“The activities will be aimed at helping young people learn from the older generations, promoting a greater understanding as well as gaining new skills.”

The sessions take place every Saturday between 3pm and 5.30pm.

To book a place call 01684 575363, e-mail rootsandshoots@me.com or visit malvernyouthcentre.org.uk