A CELEBRATION of music, forgotten arts and health attracted 1,000 people to a festival at The Fold, Bransford, near Worcester.

The third Fold Earth Fest on Sunday saw crowds of people enjoy a feast of food, ancient crafts and music .

Skilled demonstrators showcased traditional arts such as leatherwork, quilting, felting and wheelwrighting.

There was live music from folk artists, song and dance, a hand-crafted merry-go-round and stalls selling local food and drink.

Meanwhile, therapists from The Fold’s Natural Therapy Centre gave visitors a taster of some of the treatments they offer.

Will Tooby, director of The Fold, said it had been an “amazing” day and preparations would soon be under way for next year.

“We had an unbelievable day and lots of great feedback,” he said.

“It was a really lovely mix of forgotten arts and crafts, stalls selling local produce and we had over 50 musicians.

“The weather was perfect and I think people had a really good day.”