THRIFTY sewers have been combating the recession by making their own home furnishings and party decorations, according to one Worcester businesswoman.

Dawn Allen, who runs Rags in CrownGate Shopping Centre, said she has witnessed a growing trend of city people making colourful bunting to give their homes and gardens a lift.

Even brides-to-be have been hitting the sewing machines to make decorations at wedding venues.

Mrs Allen said: “I noticed bunting started getting big from the royal wedding this year when people were having garden parties.

“Now a lot of people are making it and using it for weddings and parties.

“People seem to be doing a lot of their wedding decorations themselves to cut costs. So if they are getting a marquee or having a village hall, they’ve been making bunting to co-ordinate with the colours.”

Mrs Allen said she started selling Christmas-themed bunting in her Chapel Walk shop, but soon found there was a booming market for people who wanted to make their own.

She said: “It’s very much inspired by Cath Kidston, which is very trendy at the moment.

“They come and buy small pieces of material and they are not hard to make, although I can talk them through it.

“For this Christmas, I’ve already noticed a lot of people making their own gifts and they want fabrics for the tops of pickles and jams to make them look pretty. I think it’s a financial thing. This way it’s personal and is unique.”