A WOMAN put an eight-inch kitchen knife down the back of her trousers before going to confront her ex-partner, a court was told.

Helen Hothersall pleaded guilty to possessing a bladed article in public, but denied intending to use it.

The 40-year-old had been in a three-month relationship with John Williams and went to his home in Archer Close, Malvern, to collect belongings on Sunday, September 25.

Liam Finch, prosecuting at Worcester Magistrates Court, said Hothersall had gone to Mr Williams house with the intention of “remonstrating with him” and concealed the knife in her trousers. He said: “Clearly having had the knife in her trousers there must have been an intention to use it.

“When she went to Mr Williams’ address she didn’t threaten him, there was no violence and the knife remained in her trousers.

“She was heard by a neighbour asking for her possessions.”

Mr Finch said Mr Williams was warned by text messages that Hothersall was coming to his house with a knife.

One read: “Helen is coming to yours with a big knife, be careful.”

Officers were called and said Hothersall was agitated and upset.

She admitted to having the knife, removed it and dropped it on the floor. Mr Finch said: “It is a matter of intent. Did she intend to use the knife or not?”

Magistrates said a special hearing was necessary to decide whether or not Hothersall, of no fixed address, had intended to use the knife.

The hearing is on Friday, October 28.

Hothersall was bailed on the condition not to contact prosecution witnesses or enter Archer Close.