BIRTHDAYS are special for everyone, but one Worcester schoolgirl’s is a little more special than usual today.

Lucy Harvey turns 11 on this, the 11th day of the 11th month in the 11th year of the 21st century.

It is the only double palindromic date and only happens once each century, so adding an extra “11” to the day will no doubt make it an extra special one for the Harvey family, of Tiree Avenue, St Peter’s.

And not to forget, it’s also Armistice Day – a fact which Lucy’s family decided was important enough to be remembered in her name.

Dad Ian said: “We did not know what her middle name was going to be. It was early morning and I was walking away from the hospital.

“I realised it was Armistice Day, so I thought to myself, what about Poppy?”

So Lucy became Lucy Poppy – and these days, most use her middle name more than her first.

Indeed, if she has her name printed on to the back of T-shirts for any reason she chooses the nickname “Pop”.

And this year, appropriately, she has been among a group of year six pupils at Cherry Orchard Primary School who have been chosen to sell poppies around their school.

What’s more, on Sunday Lucy will be taking part in the Remembrance Sunday parade in the High Street with the Guides.

But what do all her friends think of it?

Lucy said: “They think it is a bit weird because you don’t get very many people who have the same thing.”

And there is one final advantage to having an unusual birthday.

Mr Harvey joked: “The date means her birthday is easy to remember. I cannot remember my older daughter Hannah’s ever.”

• History enthusiasts are invited to take a tour of the Worcestershire History Centre tomorrow to find out more about those who lost their lives in the First World War.

The centre in the Trinity, which is run by Worcestershire County Council, will hold 30-minute tours around the main sources available, after which visitors are welcome to trace their First World War ancestors using websites, books and CDs.

Paul Hudson, head of Worcestershire History Centre, said: “At this time of year people think about family members who served in the Army and often come in to try and discover more about them.

"We hope that this event will help guide people in knowing where to look.”

Places for the tours, which run throughout the day, are free but they must be booked in advance.

Contact Worcestershire History Centre on 01905 765922 or e-mail