A PLEASANT evening was spent at Comer WI for the last meeting of 2011.

Secretary Beryl Lord welcomed members and, after the usual business matters were dealt with, introduced Eve Lane who demonstrated an arrangement for a Christmas floral decoration.

Armed with garden foliage of all manner, red berries, poinsettia, ribbons an gold thread, the hall was quickly transformed into a festive spectacle after which members had time to sit and chat at this particularly busy time of year.

From the kitchen came the aroma of mince pies and mulled wine which as tradition has it was served by members of the committee, rounding off another successful year of good speakers and events.

The preparations for a new year party and arrangements for a lunch at Broomfields, Holt Heath, both in January, were finalised.

Beryl wished all a happy Christmas, festive greeting cards were exchanged between members and the usual raffle prize draw was held.

The next meeting will be on January 18, starting at 7.30pm at St David’s Hall.