AS it was our Christmas meeting, the hall looked very festive and it was lovely to see it full.

Jerusalem was sung with great gusto and sounded great.

We kept our business to a bare minimum.

We welcomed various guest WI members to our group and also Jenny Bruton and hoped they would enjoy the evening.

We were invited to have our supper first and members helped themselves to a large selection of goodies.

Hot spicy apple juice was served to warm everybody up.

When we had finished eating we were introduced to our entertainment for the evening, three representatives from Philomusical, two singers and a pianist.

We listened to a lovely variety of songs from Porgy And Bess to West Side Story. The singing was very harmonious and delightful.

Everybody was invited to take a gift from a large basket of presents, then we wished each other a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.