A WORLD famous American concert organist is bring his informal and tongue-in-cheek approach to classical music to Evesham.

The performance from Carlo Curley at the Methodist Church, in Waterside, should prove to be a lively affair on Saturday, June 9 from 7.30pm.

A self-styled champion of the classical organ, Curley is a large and charismatic figure who has dedicated his life to blowing the cobwebs out of the organ loft and bringing music to the masses.

He studied music at the North Carolina School of the Arts for talented children and held his first professional post at the age of just 15, as organist and choirmaster at a large baptist church in Atlanta, Georgia.

By 17 he was touring the USA and a year later became the director of music at Girard College, Philadelphia.

He was initially tutored by the late Virgil Fox and later came to London to study with the late Sir George Thalben-Ball.